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worship Ministry

Rejoice in the LORD, you righteous, for praise is fitting for the upright.
Praise the Lord with the harp, sing to him with the psaltery and a ten-stringed instrument.
Sing him a new song; play well and with joy.

Psalms 33:1-3

For more than 50 years, the Christian Community of the South Zone of São Paulo has lived the pleasant experience of being able to praise and worship Christ Jesus.


With a group of committed brothers, who love and take the service of Praise the Lord seriously, we have the joy of being able to worship King Jesus, every opportunity we meet with the local church.


During each meeting, we live a unique and special moment, when together with the church we praise and worship King Jesus, we can feel the sweet and holy presence of Christ, we see people being healed, restored, renewed through the action of the Holy Spirit, and this action strengthens us and motivates us to continue following steadfastly to our objective, which is to make the heart of our Lord rejoice.


Over these years, we have sought references from true worshipers who, through their work and commitment to the kingdom of God, have taught and motivated us to continue this magnificent and timely work, which is praise to the Lord.


We thank the Lord for choosing us and giving us the wonderful opportunity to worship this wonderful King. To Him honor and glory.

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Rua Promotor Gabriel Nettuzzi Perez, 429
Santo Amaro

Sao Paulo, SP - Brazil

Tel: 11-97456-3750

Thank you for contacting us!

    Evangelization Movement and Youth Social Works of Christ - CNPJ: 47.468.160/0001-23   

    Rua Promotor Gabriel Netuzzi Perez, 429 CEP: 04743-020 - Tel:  11-97456-3750

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