We are the Christian Community of the South Zone of São Paulo and we have been present in the region for more than 50 years when Pastor Benigno Rodrigues arrived in the Santo Amaro neighborhood and started a movement of evangelization and social works with a small group of young disciples called “Jovens of Christ". In the late 1970s, we had contact with the movement known at the time as “church restoration”, which encouraged a return to early church practices. This movement had the participation of men such as Cristian Romo, Orville Swindoll, Keith Bentson, Ivan Baker, Juan Carlos Ortiz and the apostle Jorge Himitian, with whom we maintain a counseling and follow-up relationship today.
We are a community of disciples of Jesus. Disciple means student, learner, follower, and that's how the Bible refers to the first followers of Christ. In a broader sense, a disciple is someone who has committed his life entirely to Jesus because he understands that he needs to be reconciled to God, the Creator and eternal Father. Because of this commitment, our lives are intimately linked to Him and His Word revealed in the Holy Bible.
We are a part of the Church. We believe that there is only one Church, which is the universal (everywhere) and timeless community (of all times) formed by all people who have made a true commitment and commitment to Jesus Christ. This Church is only definable in the eyes of God, the only one who knows the human heart, so that we understand that we are brothers and sisters to everyone who, with their witness of life, shows that today they live for God and have Jesus Christ as Lord of their life.
We are a family living in relationships of love and service, as we were commanded by Jesus. We understand that every person who comes to Christ needs to be taught to keep all the things He taught, and we do this through personal accompaniment (discipleship), as Jesus demonstrated by teaching, training, and sending his disciples.
Being a part of God's Church, we are also, as the Bible teaches, a part of His body on earth. This implies that we understand and accept the fact that God has chosen to express himself (love, care, help, comfort, teach, enlighten, warn, etc.) through us. For this reason, we make a commitment to constantly pursue knowing God and his will, so that we can practice it (by setting an example) and teach it (by serving as “big brothers”) to all the people God wants. to reach.
In short, we are part of a people that has a relevant message to convey to people. If you, who are reading this text, have already reconciled with God through a total and unconditional surrender to Jesus Christ, we want to say that we are happy with your visit and we bless your life so that you can progress more each day in your journey of faith with the Lord. But if you, however, are still not sure about your spiritual condition, about your salvation, or not even convinced that you need to be saved!, or about your relationship with Jesus, then we would be delighted to share with you what we have about King Jesus and his Kingdom.
Please contact us via the website contact email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Email: contato@comunidadesp.com.br
our leadership:
Benigno Rodrigues
Retired Pastor / Wife: Dirce Rodrigues
Januario Pires
Pastor/Wife: Marcia Alves
Valdir Lecca
Pastor/Wife: Iole Lecca
Marcos Alves
Pastor/Wife: Leia Alves